🎬Generic Actions
Here, you will learn how to use the GENERIC ACTIONS system!
Last updated
Here, you will learn how to use the GENERIC ACTIONS system!
Last updated
The Action Triggers will only work if the animal is a PET
To use generic actions, make sure you did the GENERIC ACTION ANIMATIONS tab on the previous page!
Create a new GameObject and add a collider to it. Then, make that collider's IsTrigger true.
Add a RigidBody to the GameObject and make its IsKinematic variable true.
Add a Universal Animal Generic Trigger script to the GameObject.
Universal Animal Generic Trigger Variables
Freeze Animal
Will the animal freeze while the action is ongoing?
Action Delay
Delay of the action.
Use Action Timer
If yes, it will stop action after a time, else it will stop when the animation ends.
Go To Another Action
When the action ends, will the animal walk to another action trigger?
Action Type
Which action will the animal do?
Action Heals AI
Will this action heals the AI?
Action Damages AI
Will this action damages the AI?
And that's all if your pet walks in the trigger the action will start!