⚾Fetch System
Here, you will learn how to use the fetch system.
The Fetch System will only work if the animal is a PET
Fetch System
If your Animal AI doesn't have a Universal AI Fetch System script, add one!
Universal AI Fetch System Variables
Mouth Transform
The mouth (or head) bone of your animal to carry items.
Max Fetch Radius
Maximum fetch radius Animal AI can go to.
Start Run Distance
The distance Animal AI will run because fetch item is too far.
Max Search Nearest Item Radius
The max distance the animal can auto find the nearest item.
If you want to play a animation for the picking up the item, make Use Fetch Animation true and assign your animation below (Example: Pickup animation) . Then press Apply and it should work!
Editor Tools (Only works on runtime)
Here you can call your animal to fetch a specific item or the nearest item. Or you can call these from a script too. Example:
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